Media added by willbj58



William Jenkins - 66' Mustang first run with 4-speed... | Facebook
Abs and I spinning the tires to "Be sure it is solid", LOL
William Jenkins | Facebook
A short ride with us in the 65' this evening. We were to late for Dave's Diner.
William Jenkins | Facebook
We had a nice evening ride in the 65' and Abbey with her Chebby, then I had to start up the 66' after we got back, next weekend it goes out for a ride.
How we got it

How we got it

How we got it

How we got it

How we got it

How we got it

How we got it

How we got it

Evidence it is the originla hood
You can see the original location of the blackout treatment.
Begin hood

Begin hood

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item

Imported Item