Missing at low RPM?


Founding Member
Apr 11, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
Anyone have any ideas what would cause a low RPM miss? I thought it might be plugs, but I just replaced them and it still does it. It will do it if I bog a little in first, or if I try to accelerate from low RPM (~1000) in pretty much any gear. I also took my densecharger all apart and cleaned it and the MAF out. ????????????
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I geuss they can feel it missing.

Try and determine whether it is elctrical or fuel.

It is really hard to tell but the 'miss' will be slightly different, usually but not always a fuel related mis (ECU, fuel, tune, EFI type of problem) will be spluttery, whereas an elctracal miss (ignition, plugs, leads, tune, ECU) is more violent.

Failing that take it to a dealer and get them to plug into the ECU and check for any error codes.
99SilverGT said:
Anyone have any ideas what would cause a low RPM miss? I thought it might be plugs, but I just replaced them and it still does it. It will do it if I bog a little in first, or if I try to accelerate from low RPM (~1000) in pretty much any gear. I also took my densecharger all apart and cleaned it and the MAF out. ????????????
what did you clean your MAF with??
check your ign wires. use a ohms meter. bet money thats what it is. you would hardly notice a cylinder wasnt getting fuel, especially at low rpm. another thing-its not missing at low rpm, its missing throughout the tach you just cant feel it when its reved higher. hope this helps
Stangless, you can just feel it. The engine shakes mildly and you can feel it in the rest of the car.

As for how bad its missing for being spark/fuel. I'd probably describe it as a mild miss. Its not TOO bad. The only time it gets bad is if I bog off the line in first. It felt like the engine was going to shake itself off the mounts one time.

I cleaned the MAF with a q-tip and a little rubbing alcohol, then just let it air dry.

Any possibility of it being the fuel filter? Its been a while, probably 30-40k since its been changed. I'll try and look into the wires. I do know the service mgr at one of the dealers here, so if all else fails I'll let him mess with it.

Much appreciated guys!
hey man, i think im in the same boat your in.
heres my symptoms... the miss/hesitation/stumble tends to be under 2000 rpms 95% of the time. It seems not to happen as badly when the car first gets moving like after it sits for 8+ hours. (yes i always warm up my engine tho) First and second gear seem to happen worse. My whole car shakes and you can visually see my shifter shaking like crazy.

Finally, about 3 days ago, my check engine light came on. Were going to use a scanner to check the code tomorrow.
At first my friend put some serious fuel injector cleaner in it and it seemed to fix the problem at first, but now it seems to be the same or even worse. The engine idles pretty smoothly and if you go WOT itll very quick "mini hesitations" from 2000-2500 rpms then itll take off smoothly.

Ill let you know tomorow what code it was. Maybe we both have the same problem.
I had a pretty bad miss throughout the whole RPM range, it ended up being a plug wire was arcing to a bolt.
I have a miss where if im cruising in 5th gear and then let my foot off the gas and then get back on the gas sometimes it will shake violently and bog out really bad. Like it doesn't want to move at allanymore. Then it will quickly go away and wont return for quite some time. I want to figure it out because it bugs the **** out of me
My car has been doing the samething,i made a post not to long ago,I'm having it scanned tomorrow at MRT,most likely its the boots on the coilpacks,cause I went through everything-plugs,fuel filter,injector cleaner,maf,iac,and even but the stock aircleaner back on.Still had the problem,also if you have a o/r midpipe and catback you can hear it when it misses.