homemade cobra lower grill.. $13

ok so I made a nice little grille for my new cobra bumper, I think it will do just fine. Its actually from black plastic mesh from home depot that I cut out to size and a couple of short screws into the bottom of that styrofoam bumper thingy. lemme kno what u all think..

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lol, im going to keep off you on this one...for the last week for some reason you have just presented so many reasons to tear into you about it.:D

Lucy, youre gonna git it when I get home :fuss:

I know, I like to poke fun at myself.......cause really if you cant poke yourself who can you poke :D
And I have a brand new second hand camera comming that i will fix and hold it and pet it and cuddle it and I will name him George, and when hes bad I will punish him.