Does This 5.0 Sound Similar To A 4.6l


Active Member
May 7, 2004
@ the z00 in chicago
:cool: Need your opinions?
I lost my 4.6L GT some years back to a fire and replaced it with a 5.0. No matter the exhaust combo i haven't been happy with the sound of a 5.0. They sound like pickup trucks with loud mufflers to me. A lot has told me its because the 5.0 needs a h/c/i to make them sound insane.

Overall how does this sound?

Anyway my exhaust... intimiating a 4.6L the best i could.


First: Drive By:

Longer Clip with rail road security chasing me:
  • Sponsors (?)

Sounds weird, unrefined. My opinion though...

Side note:
Is that a ghost or some kind of phantasm friend you got holding the camera in the third video? It creeped me right the hell out when it started moving.