

If you're the village idiot what's that make me?
Dirt-Old 20+Year Member
Nov 29, 1999
Does anyone know a reputable engine builder in the nyc/ nj area? Ive tossed around about a million ideas i just want to do a freshened up short block so I don't have any blow by issues .

I want to run a twisted wedge head . I feel like its so damn hard to find someone reputable to do the work local its beginning to aggravate the :poo: out of me. Any ideas guys anyone local know anyone who does good work i know we have some local guys on here. I dont think 1k-1200 for a fresh 302 is asking too much unless i am out of my mind. End rant .
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Kogan Motorsports 516-644-0128
His name is Dave. I have met him a few times and he is a super nice guy. My friends Todd and Doug Harris use him exclusively on all of their race stuff.