College papers...

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I just finished my two huge term papers...feels amazing. One was on 9/11 fear culture, and the other was on the future of the US dollar as an international reserve currency. Boring to you guys probably, but interesting to anyone in political scientist/international relations/global studies
Just do the f***ing paper dude. Did you have to cheat through high school and college up 'till now also? Hate to say it, but you're the kind of person who ends up as front page news because of some executive scandal i.e. Enron, Tyco, Worldcom. You can't pick and choose where you want to display integrity, its a part of who you are. A lack of integrity now won't disappear later in life, will you cheat on your wife? Evade taxes when things get tough? Nobody can make you do the right thing, but I hope that sometime down the road you can start making the right choices.