Mac Prochamber Issue


Founding Member
Jan 17, 2002
I've had my Prochamber on the stang for over two weeks now. When making a hard left or right turn, the pipes seem to shimmy, making an odd sound. The shifting can be felt underneath the car. I plan to taker her back this weekend to have the mechanic take a look and tighten everything up. It also sounds like it's a little loose at the bolted connections. Exhaust note seems to vary depending from day to day. Could loose connections be the cause of all this? Should I just have them weld everything instead of bolting? I'm pretty much all set with my exhaust for a while now.


- thanks in advance,

- Jake
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Firemanz said:
Just retighten everything. Did you use loctite? Passenger side connections are notorious for leaking....

No, should I pick some up and have the mechanic apply it to the right side connection?

What specific loctite do I use? I know there are several.