Need the 94/95 help desperately

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Sherriff of Bling King County
Well, the next round of the ultimate stang challenge and I am getting spanked by a 69 stang. I think it's due to the buddy system as he doesn't even have any pics of his engine.

Either way, I really could use your guys and gals help. You have to go to (removed) and vote on the ultimate stang challenge. We are the 95 stang named "Drago"

Thanks in advance,
  • Sponsors (?)

Sorry, but rules are rules:

Excerpts from the StangNet Terms of Service said:
* Non-sponsoring members are to NOT have referral links in their postings, profile, or signature that aim to publicize a competitive website, conduct sales, or forward the cause of non-sponsoring entities.

* You cannot post advertisements or notices for contests.

The contest in question is affiliated with a competitive website, so this thread has to go, like the one before it did.

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