Physical altercation with a German last night


My dad had a bra
SN Certified Technician
Sep 5, 2001
Vass, NC
I can't make this :poo: up. So, as I'm going home from work at around 10:30 last night, I get behind what I believe is an american soldier with a passenger who is swerving in his lane, crossing the center line, turning on a red light, and going over the speed limit. I followed him for a while, got his license and intended to stop him, if he was a Soldier, but after following for 15-20 minutes, I let it go because we were getting into city traffic, and he was starting to drive even more erratically.

Immediately as I let this clown go, another clown comes up behind me flashing his lights and honking his horn... Germans will do this when they don't approve of the way you're driving, but I really don't know why he was doing it. Anyway, I slow down to less than the speed limit, and wave him by, but he doesn't pass. The cars ahead stop at a red light, so I pull to the side of the road and stop, hoping he'll just pass me up. When I look in the rearview mirror, I see the driver's car door opening, so I stepped out of my vehicle as well, and faced the man as he approached me aggressively with his arms raised and one finger pointed to my face. He closed the distance quickly, and I felt like he was going to attack me, so I quickly dropped down below the level of his hands, and shoved him away from me. He fell over backwards and started yelling unintelligible stuff followed by "I go to the police." I got back in my car and left.

So, I went to the MP station here to make a statement, and they told me that I should probably just let it go and not file a statement since the fact that I pushed him could be used to charge me with assault. I grabbed my statement and went home.
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Next time resolve it over DAS BOOT!

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Crazy ass Germans!

Hey, hey, EASY!!!

I'm kinda with Ronin, I thought the same thing. You handled it well though. I would have most likely been in trouble for relocating his teeth. I don't handle crap like that well, LOL.

Well done, sir!:nice:
LMAO... That's why I love this forum.

I was driving my Bimmer ('95 318i). I'll take a picture of it some time. It's legitimately a beater. I almost never clean/wash it, and treat it like absolute :poo:, but it keeps going.
But what if that unintelligible language he was yelling was just, "Stop! I just wanted to tell you that you've won the Publisher's Clearing House" or "Hang on! My daughter wants to go out with you!"