roll - X shifter... any users here?

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The eBay seller's English is horrible. Sounds like the same kind of stuff I find in my spam mail folder that originates in Japan and Thailand.

"You want mirrion dorral clazy happy smire?" :D (Sorry, addicted to Robot Chicken episodes, lately...)

Bear that in mind for the fact that it could be some cheap-o Hong Kong product, regardless of price. That, and they went through a lot of trouble to make the thing look all pretty and bling-blingy, although once you put the boot and shifter on it, you'll probably never see the thing again - it's more for the purpose of visually nabbing buyers than being functional.

The bend of the shifter handle looks pretty funky, too. I wonder how easy it'd be to break one of those...?
Daggar said:
Looks to me like it's cut from a single block of billet aluminum. How bad could it be? :shrug:

your right... maybe a CNC machine? or some pretty creative lathe or some good skills on other tools.. regardless.. cars are like food.. you buy cheap.. you get what you paid for.. moldy cheese :puke: