Sadness in the family


Founding Member
Oct 27, 2002
Well as of lately I wrote about just coming back on stangnet (after a long layoff) and mentioning that my fiance was pregnant. We went to the doctor for her to get her checkup and for us to hear the baby's heartbeat. Well after going from room to room not knowing what was going on. My fiance was sent to another room for an ultra-sound and she was smiling and lookin at me while i was closely lookin and the monitor. I saw the baby and immediately became happy to see the life that myself and my soon to be wife had created. Only to find out that the was Two babies not just one. So wow We are having twins! Well not exactly because the woman that was doing our ultra sound started crying. Then informed us about the pasing of our children a 9 1/2 weeks. This was last week when this happened and its not hit me as bad as my fiance who been tore up. Don't get me wrong its still sad but we can try again in the future. Thanks to all you guys that congradulated me when we found out that we were pregnant.
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I'm also really sorry to hear about this Chris.

There's not much you (meaning me) can say in a time like this.

Just remember that your family is every-bit two members richer - they're with you all the time.
Sorry to hear that, it must have been such a change in emotions that Both my Aunt's lost children before birth and one of the wifes aunt lost 2-3 before they found out she cannot carry full term.

It is sad to hear...


twice as sad, keep your head up...threw the good and bad you guys still have each other. Hang in there guys.
I'm sorry to hear that my friend. The same thing happened to my Ex Fiancée and myself a few years ago. We were both young and I had just gone back to school at the time and our relationship was already on shaky ground, so thinking back on it, we were probably better off, but it still didn't change the fact that we both felt something was unjustly taken away from us. It didn't hit me right away either, but the worst thing you can do is sit down and think about the "what ifs".

The only advice I can give you, is to do what you can to put it out of your mind for the time being and when the two of you are ready to try again, do so. For all you know there may have been something wrong with the pregnancy to begin with and it being ended so early may have been for the best.

You're still quite young (a little younger than I was) so don't fret. There's still plenty of years ahead for the two of you to start a family and now you're able to do so on your own terms. :)
Thanks guys for all your kind words. The doctors have told us there is no reason that she cannot have children. It was just a misfortunate incident and that this shouldn't stop us from having kids. We have both decided that we want to wait and try again when we are both graduated from school. This has been a real eye opener. I know a lot more about pregnancy seeing how my fiance made me read all kinds of stuff about it.

I will always have the twins in my heart even though they never saw the world.