A Small Poem

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Here is my poem for you:

There was an old man, that bought an old car.

I don't know why he bought that old car, maybe he'll die.

The End.

There was an old man who bought an old fox, that looked like a box and he put it on blocks.
I don't know why he bought an old fox, his head must have rocks, for brains he's got not.
The work is a pain, his muscles are strained,.. his bank account drained.

He bought an old car so he could go far, he bought an old fox and I'll never know why,...
Maybe I'll die.

The end. II
Of all my favorite things to do,
The utmost is to have a brew.
My love grows for my foamy friend,
With each thirst-quenching elbow bend.
Beer's so frothy, smooth and cold--
It's paradise--pure liquid gold.
Yes, beer means many things to me...
That's all for now, I gotta pee!
Just spent last weekend in Nashville. Walked by a bar that had a sign in front of it:

"Alcohol. Cause there are no good stories that start with salad"

Of all my favorite things to do,
The utmost is to have a brew.
My love grows for my foamy friend,
With each thirst-quenching elbow bend.
Beer's so frothy, smooth and cold--
It's paradise--pure liquid gold.
Yes, beer means many things to me...
That's all for now, I gotta pee!

I have no witty poem or rhyme so I'll let Toby sing what you're poem made me think of!

View: http://youtu.be/BKZqGJONH68

Red solo cup is cheap and disposable and
In 14 years they are decomposable
and unlike my home they are not foreclosable
FreddyMac can kiss my ASS, Woo!