Best way to keep your engine bay clean.


New Member
Jun 25, 2004
Wylie, Texas
I had asked this question in the v6 forum the other day, but as of last night I joined the GT club :D, and someone said the best way to clean the engine out was a power hose and some degreaser or the engine bay wash setting at some of the car washes. Any one have some suggestions as to what brand of degreaser and power washer to use or not use? I want to make sure I keep this one prettier than the last one I had since its so much fun to drive I havent stopped smiling since I left the dealership. :D
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CD2 Engine Detail Kit- spray on, spray off, spray on, run to dry..voila.
I used Gunk ENgine degreaser and a garden hose when i wash my engine. SOmetimes i use a scrub brush on the real dirty areas. I routinely do this every time i wash my car and my bays stay spotless.
A light spray to remove surface dirt. THen I use Simple Green and spray down the entire engine bay, let it stand for about 20 minutes then another light water spray. I run the engine to expedite drying and to ensure that no water sets up where I don't want it. THen I spray lightly with Son Of a Gun or Black Magic. I'll get some pics and post tomorrow...if it isn't raining here for the 20th day in a row.
I was just thinking about this the other day...but i didnt have the balls to hose down my engine. im too afraid to get watter in the electrical system or the intake...any tips on how to keep that stuff water free??
Mustang5L5 said:
I used Gunk ENgine degreaser and a garden hose when i wash my engine. SOmetimes i use a scrub brush on the real dirty areas. I routinely do this every time i wash my car and my bays stay spotless.

I use the same stuff, works great
Those who pressure wash their engine and have not had a problem have been lucky. There are just as many who have forced water into the COPs and caused problems. I'd rethink shooting it with high pressure water.
I washed it with a hose once even after covering many parts StangNet folk said to cover. Car ran like crap for 2 days so I didn't drive it for 2 days.

The last time I washed the engine bay I sprayed Simple Green in a bucket and diluted it with water. Then used a sponge to wipe down spots. Then used a bucket of clean water with the sponge to clean it off. Worked well. Took a little more work but my car ran perfect.
I learned the hard way on my '96 GT. I pressure washed it and filled a couple of the spark plug wells with water/soap. It ran fine at first then went south. I messed with it for a day or so and found the water. After blowing out the well with compressed air it was OK for a while then started missing again. What I finally found was small "traces" or lines on the spark plug ceramic that was allowing the spark to jump outside the plug under the boot. It was a real nightmare! A simple removing and cleaning of the plug fixed everything.

So, as stated above, don't pressure wash or steam clean the 4.6 and above all, stay away from the spark plugs.