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It definitely put a damper on my day, seeing that headline, but I honestly don't find it all that surprising. Our "justice" system is such a pathetic crock o' poopie, especially when it comes to dealing with celebrities and/or rich scumbags. Money = freedom.

If I didn't know Paris has a real vag', I would swear she's a tranny. Her facial features and everything just scream she-male. Then again, plastic surgery nowadays can do some amazing things, and when you've got the entire Hilton empire for your budget, I'm sure they could make that snoochie LOOK authentic...

That's it. Paris is a man. What's the male equivalent name of Paris, anyway? Perry? :shrug:

Her "medical condition" was probably a complication that arose after her cellmate molested her with a broomstick... :D (Anyone else see that episode of Super
