Quarantine my house

This flu season is bad. I haven't had the flu in years. The latest strain going around is pretty potent. I've talked to people from one end of the country to the other, and everyone has or had the flu recently. I've been reduced to drinking Robitussin purple straight from the bottle. Nothing good is on daytime TV. This sucks. I am so wasted I can barely lay down, sit down, or see straight. The room is spinning, and I have a horrible headache. AT least my temp stabilized. It was running up and down. I went from a low of 98.0 to 104, and back. It sucks when you start sweating like crazy, then two hours later you are so cold you shiver uncontrollable. At least I've lost 5 pounds in three days. Hows that for dieting!
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God, my roommate is hacking and coughing like a madman. I think I might slip by it, because I am on 2000mg of penicillin a day, and I haven't been sick for like 4 years. (knock on wood). All of my friends have gone through it recently, but it's only lasted 3 days at most. Must be pretty weak around here.