What size wrench for oil pan plug???


That is…until I whipped out my Bissell
Mod Dude
Feb 18, 2001
I want to do an oil change on my car today but doscovered i left all my tools, wrenches and sockets at work.

I just want to run to the store, buy one wrench and use it. What size wrench do i need for an '03???
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Woohoo!!! The search function works.

Amazingly, it brought up my own reply. Oil change time again and my tools are elsewhere, need to buy 1 wrench again :(

I seriously have like five or six 16mm wrenches somewhere
it does..

Well i ran to a friend's house and borrowed a few wrenches.

The 5/8" wrench was it. If that translates to 16mm then it's the one i used.

Many socket sets omit 16mm for that reason, 5/8" is so close as to be considered identical...

And it is always fun to find a newbie that complains, "Dammit, my new $200 set of sockets omits the 16mm socket I need here, why would they do that?" All the while, on the other side of the socket case a 5/8" socket sits there unused. :)