What would you do?

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the_david said:
Yep.. I would have beat him with his own bat..

Exactly, show him who, as he said,"Is the real mutha *uckin' badass." I'd like to see how he walks around with that thing shoved up his ass.

lol btw, i wonder how fast he would have run if that guy in the PT cruiser had simply gotten out and opened fire on him. That would have been hilarious.
I would love to see him go to prison then I would have him :D If it had been me I would have broke that 125lb POS in half and then shoved the crowbar up his #ss :mad: . the sad part is that nobody got out to help this lady :nonono: I can tell you one thing I could not stand by and not do something. we as a community and a country should never let things like that go unaswered :nonono: people just don't want to get involved :(
the_david said:
Yep.. I would have beat him with his own bat..

...did that on Broadway and got time in county, judge said at the point that I disarmed him (took the bat away)... that I had to stop. Then when I turned his own weapon on him (and beat his ass till he couldnt stand) at that point I became the attacker. Fk'n liberal panty waste legal system....

So now Id just let mr. P13 talk to him.... dead men can't testify against you.