What is FSAF charge ($240) on dealer invoice

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Look at the thread titled "Ford.com has higher invoice than Kelly's, NADA, etc? " It's way back on page 7. 351CJ explains the $240 FDA. I came across the same thing when looking at invoice prices for the car and noticed that other websites had a lower invoice price than that of Ford. The 240 was the reason. It is a dealers association fee that Ford dealers pay on every car. Guess who the cost gets transferred to? You!
Ultimately ALL costs, fees and charges get passed onto the buyer. It's just the way it is in the business world. If you don't liek the fee, don't buy from that place.

This is the hard truth for all businesses, in all industries.
If you think that's bad, check this out...

In Michigan they use to have a state regulated "Doc. fee" capped at $40, recently the state dropped that law and now the dealers can charge whatever they wnat. I have been in a two situations where the dealer was trying to get $300 or more for their "Document fees". I told those two dealers to stick it because they wouldn't budge on that stupid BS fee.

I just bought a 2002 Superduty from a small Ford dealer and to my surprise and delight they didn't charge a doc fee at all!!!! When I asked why that was, the sales person said they had lost to many sales to people that thought it was a bogus way to get more money out of people, I said, "you got that right!"

Dammmm dealers are making loads on the cars they sell, especially used ones! They don't need to screw us every chance they get, Then again if you're dumb enough to pay it, so be it. Kinda like paying over sticker, that's just plain stupid!

AND ANOTHER THING.... Before I will buy a car from a dealer I tell them to either take their sticker / badge / licence plate advertisment off it or they can pay me $100 a month for advertising. You can imagine the reactions I get.

Can you tell I don't care much for dealers? There are a few good ones out there, but most are greedy, decieving and untrustworthy!
