Do i have to?

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well since your fam is big into carbs they should have already told you the importance of a air cleaner ....and my experience with carbs are fun for a weekend toy total crap for a dd they is constant tweaking and tuning and warming up and what not they can drive me nuts....thats why i like my efi's i can turn the key and be down the road where i would have to warm up the carb.
sorry but i have seen both sides and if you want big power plus be able to jump in and drive it any time......carb. is the way. i'm sure there are going to be people say i know this person and that person or this car or that car. i had that big hp efi car and i wanted to take a ball bat to it 80% of the time........and it had a great tune on it and all and it was still one thing after another.1/2 the money and weight plus driveability and i'll blow your doors off! maybe i'll have to spray maybe i won't.



You have no clue what youre talking about.