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Welcome to :SN:
Have you wandered around here and looked at some of the build/progress threads of our members? They have a connection to others by posting pics and some witty commentary that generate responses from other members while making friends similar to a bunch of guy's (and girls) that show up at your garage to 'help' and we won't drink all your beer and eat all the Cheetos! We will pat you on the back (virtually) will 'likes' and tell you things like 'that wiring is a mess!'
YT has its place and I watch a fair amount but unless you are giving a tutorial or making some fake 'reality ' video's about destroying a brand new Raptor you are dropping dimes in the ocean.
Yes, I viewed a couple you made but frankly it didn't hold my attention, I won't comment on them mostly because I'm from a different generation.
I feel the community here, and other similar sites, are far more personal than some 'shorts' on YT, so if you joined up and made this one post to generate traffic to your YT channel sadly, I doubt you'll get much out of it but I could be wrong, and I promise nobody here will eat all your Cheetos.
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