tornado or hurricane?

I foget what its called, but its that thing that you put inside the intake tubing that swirls the air like a tornado. They claim it creates hp and better gas mileage. Is that a load of :bs: or does it actually work. Has anyone tryed one personally. They have info-mercials on tv all the time.
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Its a toronado.
Theoretically, they add turbulance to the air flow which helps mix the air and fuel better, and provide a faster burn speed. If you really think that something just after the air filter will add much turbulance by the time the air goes through the throttle body, upper intake, lower intake, head ports, and lastly past the valves, then by all means buy it.
I personally don't think there would be any sort of gain unless the device was placed inside the upper intake.
If the damn things worked don't you think there would be one under the hood of every car leaving the factory? Ford would love a cheap way to increase hp & mpg. PT Barnum was right: theres a sucker born every minute & Ron Popeil proved it. I'm a mechanical engineer & I say its BS.
cjshelby said:
If the damn things worked don't you think there would be one under the hood of every car leaving the factory? Ford would love a cheap way to increase hp & mpg. PT Barnum was right: theres a sucker born every minute & Ron Popeil proved it. I'm a mechanical engineer & I say its BS.

I'm with this guy.

Speaking of if it worked ford would have done it; If gutting the upper & lower intakes on like a 88'TC helps so much why didn't ford do it and save us the time :)