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  1. E

    Bill Ford and the 05 Mustang

    Uncle Bill Rules!!!! Well I'll tell you what working under him and working under Nasser, I'll swim across the rouge river(yuck!) for Uncle Bill! Just in the last couple of years, employee morale has sKyrocketed. Of course times are tough and everybody's mad at no OT and everything...
  2. E

    Is it risky to buy 05 mustang this year?

    Don't Chu worry mang Guys, seriously I work for Ford and up until a few months ago, I was a launch engineer. Ford has been going through painstakingly high measures of quality control and testing on these upcoming model launches. There has already been over a thousand of these cars built and...
  3. E

    05 photoshopped

    Can you please!!!!! Put to gold Shelby stripes over it for me??? Please please? I'm buying one next spring and it's going right to the body shop to get the GT-350H treatment!!!
  4. E

    Throw Out bearing, HUGE PIC, question

    YEs, I agree....replace it!
  5. E

    Newest Spy Photos

    I've seen the clays and I've seen the actual cars. 1 word - "SPROING" I had a chubby the whole time I was looking at it. You guys are all worried about this and that. The after market will have everything we need to make it perfect, and anyway what self respecting stanger drives a stock one...