Another smiley story


Got FB banned again for saying nards
Founding Member
Nov 29, 1999
So I was just sitting at home View attachment 327534 and got bored so I :spot: out back to go :uzi: at stuff then got hungry so I ate some :spam: and took a :sleep: Then decided to go :welcome: the new neighbor chick that just moved here from :canada: cause she is totally :drool: . I invited her over to my place to View attachment 327535 and she said :neat: So we :spot: back to my place and View attachment 327536 and ended up all :crazy: and decided to View attachment 327537 wich was :nice: So I take out my :banana: and she started :rlaugh: so I told her :ZipIt: and take it before I get :mad: so she :jaw: on my :banana: and after we were done I told her tomorrow we would go
but now she has to :spot: home cause I wanted to :sleep: and just kick back and watch a :popcorn: .......oh crapola shes at the door I gota :hide:
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Mabey the should change my CT to Smiley story King :shrug: JK I guess we might have to make a weekly thing out of this as long as the Mods are ok wit it :nice:
Im really glad you guys like it :nice: I will be sure to keep it up. I have a few sites for smiles and will try to keep it fresh. And thanks for the other links :D