Electric fan motor?


Founding Member
Dec 11, 2001
Olathe KS
The electrica fan motor on my 97 GT has bit the dust. It was making a little bit of noise when I got home from my trip, then last night it started smoking that acrid burnt electrical smell.
So I'm looking for cost effective options. I saw at rock auto, I can buy just the fan motor for 56$. Anyone replaced just the fan motor before? The whole fan assembly would cost about double that.
The other option would be a junk yard fan, but there are very very rarely 97+mustangs in the local junk yards. I sometimes see lincoln mark VIII's and read that someone swapped on of those in. Would that be a worth while upgrade? Does it really move more air than my mustang fan?
Any other cost effective options to get the car back on the road?
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