Headlight Switch Dead again, Please help


New Member
May 15, 2003
Ok, when i bought my 88 GT, the foglight switch was completely bypassed. (no wire going into the 2 pins on the back.) However, when you put the switch of the first position for parking lights and dash, etc, the foglights would come on automatically, and in the 2nd position the foglights would stay on with the headlights wether hi or low-beams. I actually like it this way, however in the past 3 weeks, i have killed 2 switches. now before i buy another i want to know what is causing me to go through these. i've had the car for almost 2 1/2 years, and this has only started happening recently. The Plug for the headlight part of the switch is burned/slightly melted right in the middle. Now i've done a search, but couldn't find anything with the fogs wired the way mine are. any ideas?? Thanks

Cliffs--keep eating headlight switches, did a search but no identical result. Please help.
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sounds like some moron took the output line off the fog switch and connected it to the light switch (parking light) output. not bad in and of itself, but....
this is what i would bet the problem is. there could be other things, but this would be where i start.
you really need to put a relay on the headlights and fogs. i have one for all three. the stock switch was not designed to have the extra draw of fogs running through it, and it overloads. even headlights alone is marginal.
you could probably get away with a relay for the lows if you like the way the lights work in this configuration (and you dont run highs for very long at a time). if not or you want more info, post or pm.
good luck.