more pics of my trashed 5.0 coupe

I don't think its as simple as that. Personally, it looks kind of suspicious that both cars got totaled. Wouldn't that suggest speeding?:shrug:

Either that or the road had a severe blind turn which in that case, the person driving should have slowed down before making the turn.

All in all the guy was an idiot for trying to make a U turn in the middle of the road but I also believe that the accident could have been avoided. Just my .02

the guy pulled out in front of slow95gt and he had about 20' to stop and i was right behind him and paniked and instead of slamming on breaks (tried but it was to late) i tried to go around and THEN decided i couldnt when i had about 20' to go so i locked my breaks up. we werent going that fast. and we where not racing. why is that so hard for everyone to understand? it seems like some people always try to find a blame and cant never accept that accidents happen. i guess in a way we where all at fault. the guy we hit admits it was his fault for backing a trailor around in the road and i admit i panickd and didnt take proper action.

That was my first serious wreck EVER and im no expert in evasive manuvering so YES i panicked and didnt take appropriate action, so thats my fault josh is the only one who really didnt have no control over what happened. the guy pulled out in front of him and didnt look and he was way to close to stop. everyone knows a stock brake 5.0 will not stop 60-0 in roughly 20 feet. he did what he could to stop but couldnt. END OF STORY
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I don't think its as simple as that. Personally, it looks kind of suspicious that both cars got totaled. Wouldn't that suggest speeding?:shrug:
Either that or the road had a severe blind turn which in that case, the person driving should have slowed down before making the turn.

All in all the guy was an idiot for trying to make a U turn in the middle of the road but I also believe that the accident could have been avoided. Just my .02

the brakes on our foxes are nothing to be proud of...there not the best....when your driving with friends people tend to follow somewhat close...if he's guilty of anything its unassured following distance. nonthing else...they wernt the cause of the wreck...i dont understand why it was rulled no fault though... :shrug: i dont understand that....why wont he just own up to what he did.
the guy pulled out in front of slow95gt and he had about 20' to stop and i was right behind him and paniked and instead of slamming on breaks (tried but it was to late) i tired to go around and THEN decided i couldnt when i had about 20' to go so i locked my breaks up. we werent going that fast. and we where not racing. why is that so hard for everyone to understand? it seems like some people always try to find a blame and cant never accept that accidents happen. i guess in a way we where all at fault. the guy we hit admits it was his fault for backing a trailor around in the road and i admit i panickd and didnt take proper action.

That was my first serious wreck EVER and im no expert in evasive manuvering so YES i panicked and didnt take appropriate action, so thats my fault josh is the only one who really didnt have no control over what happened. the guy pulled out in front of him and didnt look and he was way to close to stop. everyone knows a stock brake 5.0 will not stop 60-0 in roughly 20 feet. he did what he could to stop but couldnt. END OF STORY

i think you did what you thought....what that all happend in what the mater of a few sec's....the last thing i would be thinking of is what to do in that be heading where ever was that short amount of time it hard to think about what you are going to do and where you are going to go.
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Here you go Keith another look at your new Pride & Joy!! or whatever the hell you want to call it! Just to give you a lil motivation

woohoo teaser pics for FTMFW :) :banana: :spot: :cheers:
send it to me full size if ya got it. :nice:

and im going to try to make it up in a week or two. shouldnt be long now. been saving money and the donations are helping. im gonna put just as much effort and into making it nice as i did my notch. here is my inspiration pictures (minus the fender vents).






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BK, as soon as you get that car, you MUST start a progress thread! This is a Stangnet project. :nice: I thin k we're all going to feel pretty close to this car. Alot of us are a part of it. :banana: This is really cool. I'm so excited you'll have a four eye!!!

*has an anurism*
BK, as soon as you get that car, you MUST start a progress thread! This is a Stangnet project. :nice: I thin k we're all going to feel pretty close to this car. Alot of us are a part of it. :banana: This is really cool. I'm so excited you'll have a four eye!!!

*has an anurism*

oh belive me i will. and i fully plan on letting everyone know its a car. i applied for a job today at a graphics shop here in town and while i was there i talked to a guy about having a HUGE sticker made and he said he would do it for me for $20, he said noramlly a sticker the size i want is about $45 so im getting a good deal. i took my stangnet decal sticker up there with me and showed it to him.

im going to get it 26" x 13" so its basically going to cover my entire back glass. and under it im going to make a special thanks list and have it under the decal. it will be a list of names of everyone who helps me on this. and just to make it clear (this might sound rude but its not ment to be) please dont offer help just to get your name on it. i doubt anyone cares that much to do that, but i would rather have help from people who are offering good hearted help not someone wanting attention. hope that was rude or disrespectfull, but just letting peolpe know how i feel.

anyways this is the basic layout of the sticker im gonna have made. its not proportional (obviously) the lettering will be done in 1/4" letters and the sticker size is going to be as stated above. but my entire back glass is gonna be representing. :nice:



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Suwheeet man. Yup I'm for sure coming down sunday. BTW My friend I was telling you about, we made 610 bucks in two days collecting donations from everyone in our community. We ordered his brush guard tonight and it will be here tomorrow, a local shop even got it for us at cost. So now we'll have it on his Tacoma by friday and he probably still won't even be awake yet. He'll have a nice surprise to wake up to and we made a big video compilation of pictures of him before and after the accident and pics of his truck and pics of all the ppl collecting money and doing stuff to help out. Its awesome and when we get the vid together I'll make a thread.