Custom tunes and altitudes


I'm married to a crazy, Danish broad
Founding Member
Oct 29, 1999
San Antonio. TX
Does anyone know if I were to take my car from San Antonio ( about 0-800 feet above sea level ) to Denver ( 5280 feet above sea level ) will I have any problems with my car being custom tuned?

I have to use 93 octane, and that will cease around the time I get into New Mexico and Colorado, so I figure I'll need to order a new 87 octane tune from Doug, but I'm worried about what the car might do being up in that higher elevation for the two days I'm there.

Maybe I'm worrying too much?
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91 is the highest in Colorado, in New Mexico it only goes to 90.

Its cool though, I've decided to take a truck with me instead and let the pony rest. I just remember reading something somewhere about custom tunes and Denver's high altitude....