A little bummed out today


My assy trans to myself
15 Year Member
Feb 22, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Im one of those guys on a limited budget (AKA, wife doesnt like the car). I finally scrape up some extra cash to buy a new short block, and this is how it arrived today...


I know its not a $10K stroker motor, but it was bought from a reputable company which I will leave unnamed at the moment. You can see the pallet was a piece of **** and broke to pieces, which allowed the straps holding the engine to come loose in transit. Another beautiful part to the story is that the truck company they chose to ship with had no way to deliver to my house, so I had to make my own arrangements to find somewhere local with a dock and a forklift to off load it. When it came off the truck, I refused the entire order and called them immediately. There was a little sass, but in the end they claim to be sending out a whole new order tomorrow. I reserve judgement until the new order is received. I was just very surprised by today's events as every single one of you on this forum know the company I chose to buy from. Let's hope I get a good pallet and maybe a couple layers of cardboard padding around the new engine...
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I took the liberty of calling them right away and being pleasant on the phone. The second person I talked to tried telling me that if I could see no physical damage, then I should probably just take it knowing that it is most likely fine. I told him that with the condition the pallet it is in, there could easily be a nail under there that rubbed like crazy. His response was, "That engine block and internals are much stronger metal than a nail, so it could do no damage." Thats when I just decided there was no more reason to talk, we just needed to wrap up the details and end the call.
That sucks. Now I'm all curious as to who built it. My 347 came in the best packing I've ever seen.


Seriously, it came on a cradle, bolted to a new pallet, with wood bolted through the cardboard box so it wouldn't shift. Plus the engine was double wrapped in plastic. That's how you ship an engine.
Same with my 347. It was bolted to the pallet, shrink wrapped, in a wooden crate. When I took the wooden crate and shrink wrap off this is what I got. It was perfect!!! It was shipped to my house and put into my garage from the delivery driver. Couldn't ask for a better purchase. Told them everything up front, they made the necessary arrangements.



You should just name the company. Even if they resolve it, then we all know they did a good job. If they don't resolve it, then we all know their customer service sucks and we don't buy from them. Well, at least don't buy big items like engines. And yes, that packing job was horrid! I'd be pretty ticked off too!
If it's formerly Central Coast Mustang who has now changed there name to Mustang's Unlimited (I think) or something I wouldn't be surprised, CCM had been sued so many times (my friend bought a crate, overtightened the steel heads, wrong dowels, coolant in #1, #3, #5, #8), he won his lawswuit (took like a year though). Will add this was 2002 so it was long ago.

I'll name the company I bought mine from since it was perfect, Probe Industries. I special ordered the entire motor to the specs I wanted (custom cam, AFR 185 heads, etc.).
If it's formerly Central Coast Mustang who has now changed there name to Mustang's Unlimited (I think) or something I wouldn't be surprised, CCM had been sued so many times (my friend bought a crate, overtightened the steel heads, wrong dowels, coolant in #1, #3, #5, #8), he won his lawswuit (took like a year though). Will add this was 2002 so it was long ago.

I'll name the company I bought mine from since it was perfect, Probe Industries. I special ordered the entire motor to the specs I wanted (custom cam, AFR 185 heads, etc.).
Probe is the ****, ive been to the facility and they do quality **** there. They let me walk around the machine shop and even let me play with some of the machines(simply pushing the start button, but still cool) and when i went to pick up my rotating assembly i was trying on one of their nice button up collard embroidered shirts and the manager asked if i liked it, i said "sure do how much" he said "keep it on and have a nice day". They loaded everything in my truck for me too, didnt even need to lift a finger. Bitchen company that i will buy from every time.
Well, I had a busy day at work and didnt have a chance to call them. I did not receive any new emails saying my new order was shipped, so I am going to follow up in the morning. I guess it doesnt hurt to name them, as even if they make it right, it never should have shipped like this in the first place. It was LRS, I bought their economy 302/306. I'll take pics of the new engine when it arrives, so you not only see the packaging, but the quality of the engine itself. Cant say I am impressed with their follow up, but maybe Im just the anal type.
Yeah, it's kind of sad, but a lot of companies will treat you like crap until you start showing what they're made of all over the internet....Then they decide real quick customer service is "what's most important."

I think you should link this thread to them. That oughta do it.
I have spent a lot of money over the last 4 months with LRS and everything was always packed well. I am very surprised and disappointed that they would ship a short block like this. They need to take some notes from Woody it seems on packing/shipping short blocks. :nonono:

Hope it works out for you OP.
I've never had any probs with LRS from when I ordered, but I will say if I'm spending some serious cash on an engine it better packaged correctly. Hope it gets rectified quickly :)
LRS is a good company, they'll take care of you. As an aside, I got a used Explorer engine off eBay that was shipped more carefully than that one. And the pallet was in much better shape.