Any easy way to tell if my car is cammed?


New Member
Jun 10, 2005
When I bought my lx about a week ago, the owner said it had a "high rpm" cam, but I really have my doubts as to the validity of this. Is there a way to tell besides opening up the engine to see? If I posted a video of the exhaust note on idle, would you guys be able to tell me? I dont want to buy a cam and discover it already has one. I wont be able to get track times for a few weeks, so I can go on that, and it has other mods (p/p heads, 3.73's) that might throw that off anyways.
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Roland69 said:
my stock cam works fine...but the lope at idle sound's like "don't ***** with me you little rice rocket
Stock cam with lope? :rlaugh:

You should be able to tell by the way it idles. Usually any aftermarket cam is noticeable over the stock cam.
Roland69 said:
lol not mine I ment an aftermarket would sound like that but my stock one works fine (for now)
I can't wait to get rid of the stock cam. Gonna do a MAF swap first though. Not much beats the sound of a cammed 5.0 the stock cam sucks above 4500 RPMs.
Sorry I have to laugh..every time I hear someone trying to sell a stock fox the car always MAGICALLY aquires a set of 'ported and polished heads and a cam (often name not provided)' bet is your best off saving for a nice set of cylinder heads and not worry about installing a cam that won't help ya worth a damn with your E7's in place. A set of good heads will net you EXCELLENT power and are fairly easy to install...a cam install is a pain in the ass in my opinion and with stock heads not going to give you any more than a little ego boost in the audible department and 10hp on the dyno...your choice.