Catback Install help needed


I love meat more than anything! I just have a spec
May 31, 2004
Moorhead, Minnesota
OK so this will be like my 400th thread on the subject, sorry guys! But we keep on running into problems. We got the mufflers/tailpipes off and are left with the flange that is part of the stock h-pipe. Lonnngg story short, the nuts/bolts/flanges are all one big rusted piece of metal. It also seems as though the flanges are threaded, at least on the h pipe, because we've dremeld it down til it is flush and it wont pop out....any ideas as to how to get these nuts/bolts off and what to replace them with? We've doused everything with enough rust destroyer/wd40/shotgun blasts as possible and nothing will make them budge. Also, why would you thread the flange?? stupid stupid rust, stupid minnesota, stupid us.






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yeah thats what 9 minnesota winters does to a car. Snow + Salt + Sand + Water = rust factory. We also figured out the problem, one of the previous owners or whoever repaired it after its accident welded the bolt to the flange, so im just saying screw it and taking it into a shop to have them deal with it and fix it. I'll get a midpipe at some point but right now im done for a bit (week or so) from adding things. Every time i try do something that should be easy i run into some gay problem that nobody else seems to have and it gets annoying. So far we've gone through probably 8 of our drill bits, snapped all the bolts except one on the exhaust, bought a dremel, and gotten plenty of nicks and bruises along the way as well. Thanks for the help though, LT and o/r H or X are in the works but right now im not in the financial position to spend $800 or so, and believe me, i will NOT be installing those.
Did you ever try heating it with anything? Heat is the best solution to getting something rusted off in one piece. As bad as the rust is in your car, I would have went the heat route almost right away. A small propane tank and an attatchment from the home depot/lowes maybe would have worked, but the process would be low. A torch is the way to go if you have access to one.
Dragstr05 said:
Did you ever try heating it with anything? Heat is the best solution to getting something rusted off in one piece. As bad as the rust is in your car, I would have went the heat route almost right away. A small propane tank and an attatchment from the home depot/lowes maybe would have worked, but the process would be low. A torch is the way to go if you have access to one.

the heating wouldnt help with the welds though, we have everything off except for the flange bolts.