Exchanges @ Summit?


New Member
Dec 7, 2005
Lakeland, FL
How good is Summit with exchanging parts when they screw up?

Stopped off at the Summit Racing store in Georiga today on the way home from TN to pick up a K&N FIPK for my car. I made sure he knew it was a Cobra, not a GT. This overconfident sales failure says "oh, it'll ask." Ok, cool. So I pay for the part ($200, something was up but color me stupid for not noticing) and pick it up in the back. I get home -- all the way down in Lakeland, FL -- about an hour ago and open the box up all excited and low and behold it's the kit for the 96-04 GT.

This brings up not only the problem where I have to send it back and get the right part, but the Cobra kit is cheaper than the GT kit; they owe me about $45.
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Yeah, I'm going to call them tomorrow afternoon.

It really sucks that I have to pay for shipping because they hired an incompetent sales guy. Maybe they'll just send me the correct part + the $37 difference and cost of shipping. A $150 gift card wouldn't be too bad, though...