Finall thoughts on Presedential race..

WaterPog said:
"If at 18 you are not a Democrat you don't have a heart, If at 30 you are not Republican you don't have a brain." -- source unknown
How old are you? :)

I find it interesting that Winston Churchill would say that, given that he was not American. I also think that if he did say it, it was long enough ago that it might be more accurate to switch "Republican" and "Democrat" in that statement. Both parties have migrated a lot over the years, and in some key areas have actually swapped positions.

I'm glad this election is over, I am just going to keep my fingers crossed that we survive the next four years. And perhaps some day we can pull out of Iraq and go kick Osama's ass instead.

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Rootus said:
How old are you? :)

I find it interesting that Winston Churchill would say that, given that he was not American. I also think that if he did say it, it was long enough ago that it might be more accurate to switch "Republican" and "Democrat" in that statement. Both parties have migrated a lot over the years, and in some key areas have actually swapped positions.

I'm glad this election is over, I am just going to keep my fingers crossed that we survive the next four years. And perhaps some day we can pull out of Iraq and go kick Osama's ass instead.


actually I think it may have been Socialist and Conservative instead of Democrat and Republican. Like I said I may have mis quoted it but the sentiment is the same.

It may not have even been Churchill that said it, like I said I haven't been able to verify the exact wording of the quote or it's source. I do however agree with it's content :D
so well i guess like most of you/us said were screwed for the next 4 years as well as the country!! :nonono: and yes i feel that terrisom will get worst and all (hate to say this) 9/11 was a wake up call to keep our nose's out of other countries buisness and worry bout our own??? i could be wrong and i'm not saying i am or not :shrug: but that is just what i feel. everday that goes by i feel so bad for our troops that are over seas looseing there lifes for us here as well as all the families from 9/11. by the way what symbol is bush the donkey??? STUPID JACKASS :rlaugh: good luck to everyone . peace

john :spot:
WaterPog said:
LOL, are you actually saying that we shouldn't have fought back after 9/11/01? Wow.
Yeah unfortunately seems so from his previous posts, imagine if we didnt fight back after 12/07/1941!!!

It may not have even been Churchill that said it, like I said I haven't been able to verify the exact wording of the quote or it's source.
The wording is this "If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."

...although THE CHURCHILL CENTRE says its a popular myth that has been falsely attributed. So who knows :shrug:
by the way what symbol is bush the donkey??? STUPID JACKASS

WaterPog said:
BTW, it's the democrats that are the donkey :p

d'oh!! :D

stock50LX said:
The Republicans successfully played the the G's for the win: God, guns, and gays. The Democrats are going to have to stop running people from New England, and move to the right. This election reflected the division in values and perspectives between cities and small towns. Look at our own results by county. It's possible to see the voting pattern here in WA as well as across the country. Rural areas supported Bush, urban areas supported Kerry.

Hey, we agree on something!! The urban/rural split is something that has been long in the making, and in many ways largely reinforced by the policies and tactics of both parties over the years. You can trace this pattern to its beginings with the "New Deal coalition" and the subsequent acsendency of the Democratic party in the northern industrial cities. Couple that with the remants of the early twentieth century political reform movement and it is clear to see why cities to this day present a demographic ripe for Kerry and the dems (oh and then there is Reagan reaction, but we will leave that one What should be mentioned is that suburbs now are getting a disproportionate percentage of the population, and I think the upper-middle class interests there are the deciding factor keeping the Republicans afloat in states that are becoming less rural.

Its funny you mentioned the 3 G's. I think there is a lot more to it than that, but, to an extent I think you are right. I have a theory about Bush's win in Ohio as a result of at least one of the 3 g's.

I voted for Bush, I don't think he is the greatest president, but based on what I know I believe he was the better candidate. Hopefully he won't go and f-up real bad and make me look like a complete idiot (though probably some of you have already made that assesment :) ).

Fraken. I was thinking of the very similar split and conflict-in-values of the 1920's. Even some of the issues were the same, like teaching evolution in schools. Just think, Bush can turn the clock back 80 years. I guess that makes him a reactionary. And I already think Bush made enough mistakes to be impeached.
With all the people in this country - this is the best we can come up with for our President?? I work with numerous people every day who have IQ's double that of Bush....and this man is running our country?? - making decisions that affect all of us? Granted, it's a job few people would want......but I'm still in amazement. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Kerry was the answer to all of our problems but the comparison in competence between him and Bush is like night and day! All I have to say after watching the results state by state last night is thank God I live on the West Coast where at least the majority of the population has some intelligence!

God bless - because God knows we'll need it the next 4 years!!! :flag:
fastervenue0831 said:
With all the people in this country - this is the best we can come up with for our President?? I work with numerous people every day who have IQ's double that of Bush....and this man is running our country?? - making decisions that affect all of us? Granted, it's a job few people would want......but I'm still in amazement. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Kerry was the answer to all of our problems but the comparison in competence between him and Bush is like night and day! All I have to say after watching the results state by state last night is thank God I live on the West Coast where at least the majority of the population has some intelligence!

God bless - because God knows we'll need it the next 4 years!!! :flag:
And who might you be mister 1 post?
WaterPog said:
LOL, are you actually saying that we shouldn't have fought back after 9/11/01? Wow.

I'm not going to get into that, but perhaps we should've gone after the people responsible? They certainly weren't in Iraq. Why the hell is our war there due to 9/11?

Think about it this way...they killed around 3500-4000 total with the twin towers. Yeah, that's a hell of a lot. Since we entered Iraq (which was NOT the original origin of the attack and the Whitehouse admits it), there have been over 100,000 civilian deaths there that wouldn't have otherwise happened.

Our two towers to their fifty? F'ing awesome. And you wonder why they're pissed? They weren't even responsible.

I know 100,000 sounds like nothing on the computer screen, but if we came in and bombed 4000 of their civilians and they came in and killed 100,000 of ours, I guarantee you wouldn't say "oh, we had it coming". Think of it this way, us killing 100k of their 25million civilians is the same, approximately, if they had killed about 1.3million of our citizens percentage wise. That's just insane.

I think we're more than eye for an eye at this point. :damnit:

Uh, the election? Whatever, I voted, and he lost. I don't like the situation, at all, but it could be worse. I hate the policy and I hate the diminishing gap between church and state in this country, but we're stuck with him for another 4 years. Unless... :uzi: ...but that would only make it worse. Only time will tell!
WaterPog said:
LOL, are you actually saying that we shouldn't have fought back after 9/11/01? Wow.

BTW, it's the democrats that are the donkey :p
no i am not saying that ... but come on how long have we been there?? and what have we gotten accomplished??? what i meant was 9/11 was a wake up call to the USA to keep our nose out and to worry about ourselfs rather then other's. BTW i found out that they arent the JACKASS'S looks like i am for saying that huh :D that should tell you how much i keep up on this political bull ****. i do agree with some of you that either way we are ****ed tho .all of use will get :owned: or screwed! do i need to start a new post on the story that a russian guy told me at a job once ? then you'll see how much our government cares about us! peace

john :spot:
ironmedic said:
well if someone walks up and punches u in the face, u will punch back as we did on 9/11.
we did what we felt is right in iraq and many soldiers keep their heads up high knowing that they at least got 1 dictator out of the way who was tormenting people in the country.
even if kerry came into office, what are the chances of him actually pulling troops out of iraq. it would be slim to none... until the job was finished.
we tried the isolationist game during world war 2 and it ended up bringing us into war when japan attacked us inadvertantly.

Um it was Bin ladin and al qaeda, not Iraq.