Has anyone considered renting their car???

5.0 con-vert

No soup for you, Joe Rogan!!!
Jun 7, 2005
Boca Raton, FL
I asked this over the the off topic section to check it out and the response was mixed.

The reaseon I ask, is that I am getting married in September, and since I am currently unemployed, all upgrades to my stang are on hold. I talked to my fiancee again and she would love to ride in an older vert (Mine apparently isnt old enough). Would anybody here even consider renting their car to someone for a day? I realize this is kinda like someone asking me if they can date my sister...for a night, but on the other hand, I think most of us have an unwritten law that misuse of another mans stang shall be rendered ten fold onto yours. Just thought I'd take the pulse. Thanks guys!:nice:
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