Help me identify what I have!!


New Member
Oct 16, 2003
I bought my 89 gt a few days ago and am making sure the car has everything the guy said it has.

He said it has gt40 heads and I looked and it says "GT" on them but no "GT40", so are they real GT40's???

He said it has 24lb injectors, but I can't see anywhere on them where it says "24". They are gray with a yellow top like the 19's in my other stang. Are they 24's?? Please help me identify these!
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The 24's are light blue not green. The orange/yellow injectors are the stock 19's. I'm pretty sure the GT40 heads have 3 raised parallel bars cast into the ends of the heads - look behind (best you can) where the accessories mount on the front. There'll be 3 parallel bars ( l l l ) -- kind of like what's in the parenthetical if they are GT40's.