hey, right on, that new scarface game has capris in it!


Jun 5, 2005
i was just playing the game in my hotel room, and i noticed the fender bulges on a car that bared a striking resemblence to a mercury capri. they're everywhere in the game, so i just cruise one of em around at all times lol. of course none of the cars are officially licenced, so things like the tailights and bubble hatch aren't there, but you can clearly tell what it is if you know what your looking for. just thought i'd share.

oh, and whos seen that "totally awsome" movie on vh1, lol it's hilarious. espicially when tracy morgan gets out of his car just to go dance in front of it because he thought it was a good beat:lol: .
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Nice, lots of games do that, make cars that resemble real ones, but change them enough to not have to ask permission... Im actually waiting for Chrsitmas to get the Scarface game, and the Sopranos game. I rarely if ever play video games, but Ill definately play when I get those two!