How can I turn off the O2 sensors

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I have no idea why you would want to "turn off" your o2 sensors. If you were to remove them or alter their signals, your ECM will set a code and stay in open-loop mode which would really make your car perform poorly..
not true ... you can use the predator to disable the rear two o2 sensors so that you can run offroad pipes.

I dont know where exactly you go in the predator since I am a SCT user but i would guess a quick call to diablosport should answer your question quite quickly.
joshman1204 said:
not true ... you can use the predator to disable the rear two o2 sensors so that you can run offroad pipes.

I dont know where exactly you go in the predator since I am a SCT user but i would guess a quick call to diablosport should answer your question quite quickly.

Sorry Joshman - He was not specific about just disabling the two rear o2 Sensors. If you disable all of them, what I said above is very true..
Im just throwing out ideas here, not really expecting this to be posible, but being a tech and knowing how to minipulating certan programs by changing some code or patching something to make it do what i want it to do. Can you do that to a car computer. I dont know what OS they run, its probably some thing custome built but say if they ran a linux kernal or something thats open source.

I guess the question is can a car computer be hacked?

Dont know much about them but my guess is NO!
Yea disabling all o2 sesnsors would be bad :D :D

Most modern cars do not really run an OS like you are thinking of ... they are more just firmware type systems with minimal amounts of code which can be changed via the use of a handheld tuner. Some cars can be messed with such as the new toyota hybrids and several other import hybrids. These vehicles are running some type of OS, most likely symbian, to facilitate things such as integrated bluetooth and integrated gps systems. The new vettes also have some sort of OS but I dont know what they are running.