Mt82 Hardish First Gear


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
I have a 2015 EcoBoost Manual, 55k miles. In the time I've owned it, first gear has never been easy. Its fine if you are stopped, but if attempt to shift into first while rolling, you have to put excessive pressure into it. It is also difficult to get into reverse. And before anyone says something, no, I don't downshift into first while slowing down or while going over 10 mph.
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When I had my manual 17, the only time I shifted into first is after I came to a stop. I never downshifted into first while rolling, there is no need to. You should never downshift below second, NEVER. If you're downshifting coming to a stop, wait until you're completely stopped before going into first. I would actually go to neutral once I came to a stop so I didn't sit there holding in the clutch. I would go into first once traffic started moving.

Now the hard shifting into reverse may be a worn shift fork, worn clutch, bent or worn shifter linkage, or even a leaking throwout bearing, the mustang has had a hydraulic clutch since 2005