Straight pipes... How do they sound?


New Member
Jan 8, 2006
How would straight pipes sound on a 89 LX? Custom done. I was either thinking either doing that, or getting a cheap catback. If not, what is a good sounding catback for 1 5/8" BBK Longtubes and a BBK O/R H-pipe.
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loud and poopy. its fun for about 3 mins. then you realize it sounds like chit and your annoying nearly everone. It sounds like your a hick with a broken down ride. Not a badass stang like you want it to sound.
My 85 and straight pipes when i got it, no cats no fufflers, it sounded like ASS FLAVORED ASS WITH A DOUBLE DOSE OF ASS MIXED IN WITH ASS SPRINKLES ON TOP.... It made me sad, i had to drive it around like that for a few months "long story i was 18" and i was ashamed of it so much, it made everyother thing stick out so much, I Put a stock exhaust from a 93 gt, headers back on and just that sounded better.....but then again my nagging wife sounds better than the pipes...