T-5 Trans crossmember


New Member
Apr 10, 2005
I was wondering if any of you have made a crossmember or modified an original crossmember to make it work for a t-5. I know i've read that it's been done. Anybody have a good way to make something work?
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I modified an original for mine. Sorry I don't have any pics and it is in the car at the moment but after taking direct measurements of the T-5 and a C-4 case I had mocked up on the bench I was able to calculate exacty how to modify the original. It took adding material to move the holes back, and it had to be moved down some to maintain the exact drivetrain angle. Be wary, keeping the exact stock drivetrain angle will require notching the built in crossmember up in the tranny tunnel to allow the shifter rail boss to clear, and the floor hole needs to be opened up some. If you don't care about the proper drivetrain angle (you should, but most commercially availabe crossmembers do not) then you can just lower the stock crossmember the required amount to clear the tunnel crossmember....but you will have some drivetrain issues like most people with T-5s that you can mask by altering the pinion angle. It doesn't solve the problem like most people think but it does take any vibration out. I personally prefer to maintain the stock drivetrain angle and bypass all the problems and that is why I took the time to build my own crossmember and make the slight mods to my tunnel, but nothing that shows or can be seen on the inside.