TFS vs. PP


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Belmont, MA
so im about to buy an intake, and want your final imput. i dont know if i should spend the extra $100 or so and get the tfs street intake, which works at idle -5500, or get the professional products, and if its the exact same as edelbrock i think it works from 1500-6500. also, could i get pics of engines with tfs, edelbrock or PP intakes on? thanks in advance
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mo_dingo said:
Go w/ the track heat if you plan on putting on alum. heads on later.

im also looking at intakes, so i gotta ? about the track heat. would it hurt performance on stock heads? i dont wanna loose power because of not having heads. of course id get some, just not right away.
I was told you would lose power down low with the trackheat, even on a mild h/c/i combo. It has the same lower as the street heat. You could purchase the track heat upper later if needed. I've seen people make great power with the street and not lose all thier low end.
Suspect said:
im also looking at intakes, so i gotta ? about the track heat. would it hurt performance on stock heads? i dont wanna loose power because of not having heads. of course id get some, just not right away.
I just bought 4.10s and a street heat, the intake is going in not this weekend but the next.

The TFS pieces look top notch in the box and frankly its making me drool. The install instructions are a little sparse but who cares there are TONS of walk throughs on this site and the web.

Also, I personally prefer the powerband from idle to 5500 as opposed to 1500-6500. AND like was mentioned, you can always swap uppers if you feel you need it.

- Adam
if you go tfs, dont do the track heat. with all the people that i have heard go from the street heat to the track heat they actually perform worse than the street heat. there just isnt enough power to get the car moving until up top with that intake .

--and that is even with aftermarket heads. with stock heads your cars gonna feel like it has absolutely no torque.
well i have thought about the subject a little more, and concluded that im not getting gears yet. after driving for the first time in the rain today with a stick, i decided i need a winter under my belt before i go to gears. that being said, i will get the TFS street since ill have the extra dollars.
I have the Typhoon intake, it is a cheap manifold that has the potential to be great but I had to spend about 4 hrs. gasket matching and smoothing out the casting flash