Expired 2002 Mustang GT Saleen Replica 43k miles

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Josh Barnes

New Member
Dec 28, 2012
Hampton, GA
2002 Ford Mustang GT Saleen Replica

-43k miles (goes up daily)
-Genuine Saleen full kit (Front end, side skirts, rear fascia, badges & wing)
-Genuine Saleen chrome wheels (tires-80% front 50% rear)
-Rare triple black (paint, top, interior)
-Leather (great shape)
-4.6L V8
-5 speed
-Light bar with brake light
-Catted x-pipe & Flownasters (sounds awesome & passes emissions)
-Kenwood MP3/CD player with USB & Pandora control
-Diablo tuned (increased mpg & performance)
-Power locks & windows
-Top is in great shape

This car is in excellent shape to be 10 years old. Runs great & sounds even better. I don't have to sell my car but I do need a truck for my growing family. Possible trade for 4 door full size truck with decent mileage (Trade value would be around $15k). You will not find a nicer GT around with these tasteful mods. No low ball offers. Please text only. Located in Hampton, GA. $14,500

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