50-50 Drawing Online - Charity Event

Got this and thought I would pass it along....

The Nicole Reppert Foundation is holding an online 50-50 drawing to help raise money for their scholarship fund. The drawing is being held from now until October 14, which is Nicole's 10th Birthday. On that day, the tickets will be shuffled up and hand drawn by Nicole's mother. The winner will be announced on the Nicole Reppert Foundation website. They will receive half the money raised, with the other half going towards the foundation. More information can be found at Nicole Reppert Foundation.

Each year the foundation gives out a scholarship to a student of Emmaus High School to help them further their education. The student is hand chosen by Nicole's mother and immediate family. This student normally would not be able to attend college without the assistance of the scholarship but is a person who has shown great responsibility in life and in school. More information about the foundation can be found at Nicole Reppert Foundation.

Please be sure to pass this information on to your friends and family. This is a great fundraising idea and not only do you have the chance of winning money, but your donation is tax deductible.
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