AOD Nightmare

Ever had the problem where your trusty aod develops a bad attitude and sometimes acts like it has no reverse gear? Anyone got any ideas here?

Its in a 92 f150 4x4 5.0!!............ I have a spare AOD out of an 86 mustang gt..... I wonder if worse case and my AOD is dead is I could make that one work? Take the tail-stock off? Questions that boggle the mind way too early on a Saturday morning when stuck at work ;)
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to take the 86 mustang tranny to the truck, you have to change output shafts. If you know anything about trannys, and it doesn't have a million miles on it, you could pull it apart and change the reverse band, it's either that or it's in the valvebody. Either way, find a good tranny shop to hook you up and get it rebuilt.