Can pony wheels be polished?

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Doesnt look too bad. I bet its hard to keep em shiny though? I prefer the chrome ponies myself.

No its easy like i said before a coat of wax once a year and your good to go, my set is over 5 years old and still looks good. This is nothing new, guys have been doing this since the early 90's.
While i can appreciate the work that went into them, and i certainly like polishing better than chrome, which i have had bad flat tire experiences with.
The center cap doesn't look right, the wheels look like knock offs without the pony emblem.
Don't they have a set of chromes with the mustang in the middle?
If not, buy a set and have the plastic chromed.
Looks Damn Nice!!

I Agree! How did you get them to look so good? Is there any certain ways or cleaners/chemicals that you used to get them to look this nice? I m 18 and the ponies on my 92 lx have seen better days. I wanted to get a set of chrome cobras but I can't afford them being a college kid and I heard that the 17" cobras rub. After seeing how your ponies look on you car I think that is what im going to do to mine! Could you please tell me how you polished them and what center caps you used. Thanks!
Thanks I'm glad you like them.
Here's what I used.

Clean and strip the wheel to the bear aluminum, I cleaned and painted the inside of the wheels as well for a better overall finish, but you obviously don't have to.

Paint stripper
Wool pads to scrub the stripper on
Plastic putty knives (several) to scrape the paint off the wheel.
Lots of rags
..Sorry, I may forget some stuff.
Sand paper, lots and different grits, but not too heavy, you don't want to scratch the wheel too deep 'cause it's irreversible, get the wet type also 1000-1500-2000 grit.
Sand paper blocks of are nice and easier on your hands, but more $

Sand them down to a smooth finish, the key word here is "Sanding" because you will need to do lots of it to get them smooth.
I can not mention any special power tools like orbital polishers, sanders etc, because I did'n use any. It was all done by hand.

So then when the wheel feels nice and smooth and all the casting has been removed you can then start to polish, I used off the shelf "Mother aluminum polish", in paste form.

Before you start make sure the wheels are off the car and that you have a spare set to run your car with, since it will a few days before the Ponys are done.

The center I got on ebay.

The pony emblem on the center came off the old caps and on to the chrome ones.
You must use the original center emblems as they're arched to fit the shape of the cap without any gaps, other emblems will not fit correctly.

I hope this helps. good luck:nice:

I haven't had time lately with all the lousy weather to take a nice picture, but here's one.


Ok Thanks. I have another question though. I got the outside lips of my rims down to the bare aluminum but cannot seem to get the spokes down to them. It seems like there is an awesome primer on them or something because all of the paint is off but the spokes arent shiny like the outside lip of the wheels are? Is this how they are cast or do you have to sand the spokes to get them as shiny as the outer lip before you start polishing? Im working on my 2nd bottle of stripper and it's almost empty already. I put a heavy coat on them tonight and am going to hit them in the morning. Please let me know. Thanks!
and dont worry my car is not going out anytime soon. Im from pennsylvania and it is like 20 degrees here without the wind chill and snows about every day so it is going to stay in the garage for quite some time yet haha and I already have my original pony's on my car now. I bought a spare set to polish I'm no dummy haha
nevermind I got all of the primer off the spokes they just arent machined like the outside lip. I think i am going to have mine glass beaded so I have a good surface to work with and im going to see how much it would cost a local company to polish mine if they can...if not well then it's time to get dirty haha.