So I'm at a 4 way stop at my university. I take off in 2nd gear(first gear is too short anyways) and a COP pulls out of the parking lot right in front of me to turn the opposite way of which I'm driving. Without thinking, I take my right hand off my steering wheel and make a "what the hell are you doing" gesture. I didn't flip him off. So the bastard turns around and pulls up behind me as I'm parking.

COP: "Do you have something to say to me?"
Me: Yeah! Why did you pull out in front of me like that. You need to be
Cop: This is a 30mph zone, you were going faster than that.
ME: No I wasn't, I was in 2nd gear, there's no way I was going faster than 30.
Cop: I wish I had my radar on, so that I could prove it to you. I have a race car too and your car is hott. So be careful.
Me: With what? I didn't do anything. (and I just turned away and started to walk back to my car)
COP: What year is it? It's the last one right?
ME: (I'm thinking, I know this bastard didn't just ask me about my car) WHAT?!
COP: It's a nice car, I have a 67 nova which I race for money. How fast is your car?

So we just started talking about cars. He just pissed me off at first and the whole car conversation was unexpected. Just something awkward I wanted to share.
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I get your point but to help you understand, you were experiencing road rage. Yes, he was at fault.

What I am trying to get at is that it took a while for your brain to calm down and go in reverse - to a friendly conversation. Yea, yea I know he pulled out in front of you - ok. But again, I am saying that we all need to relax a little bit when it comes to driving. Everyone is so @#$%ing uptight and always ready to get into a huff and act like total idiots (not saying you were but just a point).

That being said, it was a little weird that the guy did that and didn't at least apologize. ... Did I mention it was strange for the guy to stir up a conversation after he cut you off??

Anyone else notice that people are ready to beat you senseless when out on the road as a default response to anything?
Atleast he started a friendly conversation instead of being a dick the whole time. One time a cop pulled me over in my neighborhood at 3 Am when I was going home. He pulled me over for no reason and when he came to my car I immediately asked him why he pulled me over and he said he was looking for suspicious persons. I asked him what about my driving was suspicious and he couldnt answer me so I said "Listen, I live a block down the road and Im tired." then I took my license out of his hand and drove off. I got kind of nervous after I realised what i did, but he didnt follow me. I guess he recognised my last name cause my dad is the Assistant DA. :shrug:
I had a guy in my friends neighborhood run out in the street then try to beat my car with a stick WHILE I WAS DRIVING because I was going 30mph IN A 35 ZONE. Then to top it all off, he calls up my friends parents and tells them he called the cops on me :mad: some people man.....:nonono:
1994Vib.RedGT said:
I had a guy in my friends neighborhood run out in the street then try to beat my car with a stick WHILE I WAS DRIVING because I was going 30mph IN A 35 ZONE
Um that calls for an immediate ass whopping

Then to top it all off, he calls up my friends parents and tells them he called the cops on me :mad: some people man.....:nonono:
See answer above...
1994Vib.RedGT said:
I had a guy in my friends neighborhood run out in the street then try to beat my car with a stick WHILE I WAS DRIVING because I was going 30mph IN A 35 ZONE. Then to top it all off, he calls up my friends parents and tells them he called the cops on me :mad: some people man.....:nonono:
then you got out and beat the ever living crap out of him...right?
wytstang said:
Um that calls for an immediate ass whopping

See answer above...

LOL! YEp, stuff like that is carazy! A lady got out of her car and KICKED my car once! :jaw: She said I had no right to honk at her for taking forever to get out in traffic.

So lets say you are making a RIGHTon a 2 lane road. The one lane ends about a quarter mile further up. HEAVY traffic but all in the left lane doing like 40 mph in a 40 mph zone. You get the picture...if you don't go and try to merge with someone who might let you in, then you and everyone behind you will sit at that stop sign all day if you are waiting for a 5 car gap in traffic...meanwhile everyone behind you is getting more late for work because you don't know how to that's what happened and I honked at her to get the lead out. So she gets out and kicks my car.
actually I swerved and dropped second and punched it for about a quarter second, and I could see him swinging the stick at my car when I swerved by him, but he missed, and then he tried running after me as I saw in my rear view mirror, but he never caught up
When I am obeying the speed limit (Which is ALL THE TIME) and an officer passes me speeding like a mad man, I just kick it up and match his speed while following him. I never pass, but I like to sometimes catch a draft of sorts behind them.

And I haven't seen one who follows the limit, even remotely.

And don't get me started on Park Police that find it in the bordom of that job to drive their Crown Vics through the park paths... WTF, get a golf cart dood!

I got a good one from this afternoon

I live in an older area of town which has the traditional cross street set-up. The secondary street is wide enough to cars to be parked on each side and still pass two safely in the center. So this afternoon I'm driving home (note this is school zone: two schools) and its lunch time, so I'm taking it easy when from out of the school parking lot a mom in her mini van zooms up behind me (I'm turning at the next corner) and she swings out thromps on it and zooms on by me failing to see a parked cop sitting off to the side on another side street. I felt sorry for her oh for about 1 sec as she got pulled over. I can only guess she was in a hurry to get little Johnny to Mc Barffalots for his happy meal. Sometimes their is justice!
Nobody said:
If that's you're biggest issue with cops, then count your frickin blessings!!

I do, I think the cops in my city do a pretty decent job. I've been pulled over once for what I figured was a BS stop, and it was for window tint, and I didn't pull over fast enough for him. He was a bit of a jerk trying to single me out of traffic on a large 4 lane in one direction BLVD with several other cars around me. I let him have his say and then countered his claim in a polite fashion by telling him I honestly couldn't tell if he was pointing at me or one of the several other cars around me. What could he say I had a valid reason.
I've found that when ever I have been pulled over it's always best too listen first and react second.
BTW 95, I apologize if I sounded insensitive or kinda got off topic on your plight. That was pretty freaky..that whole cop incident. I had just gotten home when I posted after dealing with some pretty wacked and impatient drivers.
Pokageek said:
LOL! YEp, stuff like that is carazy! A lady got out of her car and KICKED my car once! :jaw: She said I had no right to honk at her for taking forever to get out in traffic.

So lets say you are making a RIGHTon a 2 lane road. The one lane ends about a quarter mile further up. HEAVY traffic but all in the left lane doing like 40 mph in a 40 mph zone. You get the picture...if you don't go and try to merge with someone who might let you in, then you and everyone behind you will sit at that stop sign all day if you are waiting for a 5 car gap in traffic...meanwhile everyone behind you is getting more late for work because you don't know how to that's what happened and I honked at her to get the lead out. So she gets out and kicks my car.

All I got to say about that is this...touch my car and man or woman, you die.