Farthest youve driven in the stang?


the guy who hits on his mom
Dirt-Old 20+Year Member
Oct 3, 2003
Dallas, TX
Just got home from a little road trip. I think my car did pretty good 600 miles there and back! It was a pretty long ride, only took 2 tanks. Didnt get an exact mpg because I was resetting my trip everytime I got on another highway so I knew how far I had to go, but it was pretty fun. I just put the cruise control on 100mph and cruised for 4 hours. I went from Orlando to Tallahassee. Going there took alittle longer, caught alittle rain, stoped a few times, took me like 4 1/2 hrs. Back it only took me like 3 hrs 20 minutes, I went alot faster on the way back too, doing 95-110 the whole time. It was actually pretty smooth, alittle bumpy sometimes, but luckily the bullets don't drone at 3k rpm. I put the cobra r's back on in case I caught some rain on the way there, im glad I did. Car only started to overheat in the last like 40 miles both ways, had to put about a bottle of coolant in the radiator before I started going back home, not good :nonono:

But anyways, ive never taken that long of a trip by myself, driving, I was pretty proud of my car for making it.
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Took the car from ohio, drove it to louisiana after boot cam/tech school... From louisiana to the grand canyon and back, then from louisiana to ohio and back... twice.

Never broke, or had any worries on any of those trips...I love that friggen car.
Damn thats alot!

I love driving on the highway, especially with a fast car. I just hate it when people dont move over to the right lane though. That pisses me off so much.
Dang, i think i have the record so far.... from here to ohio is about a 17-19 hour drive depending on traffic. The grand canyon took up almost 24 hours to reach from here... we didnt have a plan when we left, we just... ended up there. took route 66 on the way back... im pretty sure we passed wiley coyote at about 110mph.
the farthest trip I've taken the stang was the trip back home after buying it.

Bought it in central Illinois, drove it back to central Indiana.

It was also the first time ever driving a manual car. I was in the car by myself so it was learn to swim or drown. Needless to say I was pretty damn good by the time I got home... although I did leave the guys house in a smokey burn out because I didn't want to embarass myself by killing it in front of him :rlaugh:

Oh dude, i gotta tell you this.. completely related, but i forgot about it till i re-read what i posted... my buddy was driving his stretch down route 66, probably doing around 85-90... when we get passed like we were standing still. by a mini van. i pee'd myself, and told him to catch it. he downshifts, floors it, and it took forever to catch it. finally pulls over at a rest stop, so we follow this guy. we pull up next to him... or should i say.. HER!!! she gets out and i ask what the hell kinda minivan that was... she said "just a dodge caravan" and she walks away. that was my first and last encounter with a turbo caravan :eek:
My car saw too many 200+ mile one way trips to count. I dated a girl 150 miles away (200 in the summer) for a year and a half! Not only that but the track is 120-160 miles away, depending where I go. Next summer I will be taking the car to Myrtle Beach SC. Should be a good 14 hour trip for it!
Oh dude, i gotta tell you this.. completely related, but i forgot about it till i re-read what i posted... my buddy was driving his stretch down route 66, probably doing around 85-90... when we get passed like we were standing still. by a mini van. i pee'd myself, and told him to catch it. he downshifts, floors it, and it took forever to catch it. finally pulls over at a rest stop, so we follow this guy. we pull up next to him... or should i say.. HER!!! she gets out and i ask what the hell kinda minivan that was... she said "just a dodge caravan" and she walks away. that was my first and last encounter with a turbo caravan :eek:

Did you tell that in another thread? I think I read it before. A turbo mini van would be cool.