Hit and Run!!


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
ok guys i got a little story for ya'll.. i live in southern indiana.. i parked my stang at a gas station for a second to go find my girlfriends father at the lakes camp ground.. it had sat there for 35 minutes at the mnost.. when we went back out of the park to go get it it had a a huge scrape around the front corner.. of corse i instantly get sent into a whirling pool of pissed off ive never been in before in my life, yell obsanities, and wanna kill someone.. a girl in the truck sitting in the parkinglot gives me the discription of the car.. so i tell my girl ill meet her in a little bit and take off down 446.. i hit speeds of over 110 mph trying to find this guy.. i cant find him.. so i went back to the camp grounds and theres this guys car at the first rest-stop.. so i call the police.. the guy is no londer at his car when i show up.. after the police officer leaves the first time the guys comes walking out of thee woods all scared like.. he starts oppoligozing before he even gets into hearing range.. i wanted to kick his ass so bad but the cop pulles up as soon as he gets back.. the other guy gets chewed out big time and thretends to get his licens taken away.. .. i hate people.. has anyone ever done this to you???
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