How can I identify my rear end?


New Member
Jan 23, 2010
I bought a 5 lug set up from a guy on craigslist, he said everything was from an 86 SVO mustang, but I have found out that the svo's had rear disc, the rear end I bought is rear drum, the front spindles should work but im not sure about the rear end, I also read that the svo's were a 7.5" rear end not an 8.8, so can I even use the one I bought? I only payed $75 for everything so if it doesnt work out its not that big of a deal, I just need to know what I have so I can get the right parts when I go to get new gears, control arms, and brakes.

Thanks for any help
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7.5 Rear End

8.8 Rear End
Thanks guys, I just looked at it, the housing has the two "c" shaped notches in it but the cover doesnt. I can see orange silicone around the cover and the cover looks newer, could it be a 7.5 cover on an 8.8 or did all the housings have the two c shaped notches?
1990_GT I just ran outside and looked, I DO have the shock mounts behind the lca's. Thank you for that info, now all I have to do is figure out what car this thing is from so I can put some new brakes on it. I sure hope I dont have any problems with the front spindles, who knows what they came from!

Thanks again to everyone that posted, your information was very much appreciated
1990_GT I just ran outside and looked, I DO have the shock mounts behind the lca's. Thank you for that info, now all I have to do is figure out what car this thing is from so I can put some new brakes on it. I sure hope I dont have any problems with the front spindles, who knows what they came from!

Thanks again to everyone that posted, your information was very much appreciated

Is it 4 lug drums or 5 lug drums? its probably a fox rear end with ranger axles/drums on it if it is 5 lug. Also if they are SVO spindles I think the Ball joint hole is larger in diameter and they dont make svo ball joints that I know of, so you will need to get the adapters from MM.

Im not 100% on the ball joint, but I remeber reading it somewhere.
Well, if it is an 8.8, its had the 5 lug drum setup added. $75 for that alone is not bad.

Measure the front rotors to begin to narrow down what those are off.

Good pics would help.
1990_GT yes they are 5 lug drums

Ill post picks of the rear end and the stuff I got for the front too, I didnt get time to measure the rotors today but tomorrow im free all day so ill get that done too. Thanks guys
Ok here are some pics of the rear end, in some of them the rearend is upside down, Im currently one handed due to shoulder surgery, my neighbor saw me strugling and helped me turn it over. If you need a specific angle or picture let me know.How do I identify the rear end I bought? -

I also measured the rotors, they are 10 inch. Should I try to get some sn-95 spinles or are the ones I bought useable?
Unfortunately we can't view the pics unless we register. However the other guys says it's an 8.8.

If the front rotors are 10" then they are pre 87 or off a 4-banger.

I bet these parts came off a 1986. Does the rear end have a tag on the cover?
Oh my bad, I never thought about having to register to view them. I wish I could get them to work. Unfortunately the tag on the rear end is gone. What car would have had an 8.8 5 lug with drum brakes from the mid 80's? Im also not sure what to do about the front spindles I got, It doesnt really make sense to put smaller brakes on my car. So what do I need from an sn-95 to convert to 5 lug?