Jba Header Stangnet Group Purchase

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h0tr0d said:
Looks like the GTO owners are loving the power of the JBA Shorties.


That is on an 05 which could be a different story. On the 04 they kept claiming a 30hp increase, and when people starting buying them they were gaining about 3-7hp, and those headers are 600+ for our cars. They got totally ripped because they had someone from their board come on gtoforums and posted a dyno of 30whp gained from their headers when it turned out to be an employee of JBA hah.
Sid3ways S13 said:
That is on an 05 which could be a different story. On the 04 they kept claiming a 30hp increase, and when people starting buying them they were gaining about 3-7hp, and those headers are 600+ for our cars. They got totally ripped because they had someone from their board come on gtoforums and posted a dyno of 30whp gained from their headers when it turned out to be an employee of JBA hah.

Why don't you order a set from Gravana and put them to the test. They come with a Performance Guarantee. Take advantage of it and if you are not happy then return them for a full refund less shipping.

I have had a few sets of JBA headers on multiple vehicles. . . plain and simple There a great product. every shorty on the market is compareable in hp. but not by quality and long tubes are plain impractical for the average guy especialy in CA.