S.C.U.M. "For Life" Innaugural Run- Aug 7th


New Member
Mar 2, 2004
Seaford, DE
Here is the lo-down on the ho-down:

10:00 am- Meet & Greet @ the "Park & Ride" (see previous thread for directions)

11:00 am- The Migration North to Ortega HWY

11:45 (ish)- "Stop & Stare" at The Lookout atop Ortega HWY

12:30- "Go West Young Man" towards the 5 and Southbound Train to the Main Gate of the Base and Del Mar Beach

2:00/2:30- Lead the Horses to Water and watch 'em drink!!!
Jason- Cooler(big), grillin' goodies, ice, Adult Beverages, charcoal
Bill- Grill, charcoal, shade, table, sodas, chips, plastic ware
Beau- Beverages, cookies(as per usual)

I will edit this post much like Beau did for the Dyno Time Slots, for who is coming and what they are "bringing". Now I put "bringing" in "" because we can get everything we need there at the Commisary, I will just need to know what you want me to pick up and I will collect $$$ from everyone the day of. So if you wish to "bring" burgers, then I will put down JoeSchmoe=Burgers and on the day of the party you hand over the duckets according to how much you want me to get. This won't be an exact figure so take your best guess and we will make up the difference if necessary. Also, all are invited!!!, so if you have someone you wish to introduce to the group please do so. I will be bringing a friend to join us. If you have friends or family that wish to join us later for the party only, let me know and between my wife, Pierre's wife and Bill's wife (all of whom are driving in seperately to join the BBQ later) we will accomodate all who may need passage on to Base. This is going to be a blast and I hope all can make it (even those going to weddings, JJ).
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Well, I hope we get some participation out of some new Stangers for this one!
It should be real fun.
Any guy's from Orange County that want to hook up can meet us up at the top of the Ortega hwy then follow us back down and south to the BBQ.
If you are interested, p.m. me and I'll give you a number I can be reached at.
My wife is going to meet us at the base with the Exploder and these following items:
BBQ grill & charcoal
3'X6' table
Some sodas
Some chips
Some water toy's (soft board and boogie boards) for those that want to get wet.
Some plastic ware (left over from the last BBQ).
Wow, I’m excited for this weekend. I could defiantly use the relaxations since I’m about to drive up to Irvine (its 7:10am) to take both of my finals. What kind of things need to be “brought?” Also, just to double check, all I need to get in is car insurance and drivers license? My girlfriend will prob come along again so what does she need? Just ID I assume?

I’ll check back later today…
allen2oo3 said:
Wow, I’m excited for this weekend. I could defiantly use the relaxations since I’m about to drive up to Irvine (its 7:10am) to take both of my finals. What kind of things need to be “brought?” Also, just to double check, all I need to get in is car insurance and drivers license? My girlfriend will prob come along again so what does she need? Just ID I assume?

I’ll check back later today…

Hey Allen, yeah for the car, just proof of insurance, D.L. and registration.
As far as what to bring to the bash,
ARE you there Jason?

As I indicated in the original thread, I'm probably not available this weekend because of work. However, for future reference, perhaps every so often we can schedule a cruise a little earlier in the morning for those of us with family commitments so we don't have to spend all day away. Just a thought :nice:

And Jason, best of luck to you and your wife on the move and your post-service career. :flag:
Johns89lx said:
As I indicated in the original thread, I'm probably not available this weekend because of work. However, for future reference, perhaps every so often we can schedule a cruise a little earlier in the morning for those of us with family commitments so we don't have to spend all day away. Just a thought :nice:

And Jason, best of luck to you and your wife on the move and your post-service career. :flag:

Yeah, I forgot about your prior commitment to work, but I was hoping you would be bringing the family to the BBQ, I'm bringing mine. It's good to get the wifes together, they alway's have the Mustang widow stories.
L8 MUSL said:
Yeah, I forgot about your prior commitment to work, but I was hoping you would be bringing the family to the BBQ, I'm bringing mine. It's good to get the wifes together, they alway's have the Mustang widow stories.

Unfortunately, my wife would rather be at the mall. Well, that's not always true but with two teenagers we're usually pretty busy. My wife doesn't have many "mustang" widow stories, but she does have tons of "golf" widow tales. :D
As far as what neesa to be "brought"/bought, We are gonna need some burgers/dogs/sausages/buns/comdiments/plates/refreshments/anything you wish to throw on the grill, and all other sundry BBQ items(potato salad, cole slaw, beans, etc.)

I am sorry you won't be there John, I didn't want the not-so-early birds bailing on us because we started so early, especially seeing we are meeting in NoCo.

As for those that are riding shotgun, make sure they have a valid state ID. To confirm, DL, Insurance, and Registration, to get on base, but hopefully the MPs won't hassle us too much as long as we are together and I am up front of the monstrosity of horsepower to come rumblin through the gate.